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Frost Stalkers
Bestiary, Codex Floriano Righetti Bestiary, Codex Floriano Righetti

Frost Stalkers

The icy realms of the Aurorans, though magnificent and serene, harbor chilling threats that roam the vast frozen plains. Beneath the captivating auroras, monstrous creatures known as Frost Stalkers lurk in the perpetual twilight. These behemoths of ice blend seamlessly into their snowy surroundings, making them nearly invisible to the unsuspecting eye.

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Codex, Bestiary Floriano Righetti Codex, Bestiary Floriano Righetti


Traversing the expansive dunes of Arkades, the Sandgrazer stands as a remarkable testament to the adaptability of life on this harsh desert planet

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Bestiary, Codex Floriano Righetti Bestiary, Codex Floriano Righetti


The Glimmerhoof, a celestial creature roaming the mystical forests of Sereveldra. Born from the magic-infused spores carried across the universe by the Aerion Vortex, the Glimmerhoof embodies the ethereal essence of its home planet.

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