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From the X-Journal

From the XdRiPian Chronicles

"We express our gratitude to Metanaka ❤️‍🔥, our loyal knight, for serving as our official photo editor."

"We express our gratitude to Metanaka ❤️‍🔥, our loyal knight, for serving as our official photo editor." ❁

“We have no words to describe the joy and excitement in seeing members of our fabulous XdRiP community share our visions and accompany us on this beautiful journey we began in 2022 with XdRiP.

Is there a better way to pay homage to these brave warriors than dedicating to them an actual fantasy world built especially for them, from scratch?

We don't think so, and that's why we will continue to work tirelessly to bring you the best possible experience, constructing every detail from the ground up and sharing moments of happiness and carefree joy.

We thought we were building a digital product but found ourselves building a family instead.

With your support, anything is possible. Once again, thank you, and see you in the next episode of Tales of XdRiPia!”

Brad, Jim, Matt, Amos & Flo