Frost Stalkers

Frost Stalkers

The icy realms of the Aurorans, though magnificent and serene, harbor chilling threats that roam the vast frozen plains. Beneath the captivating auroras, monstrous creatures known as Frost Stalkers lurk in the perpetual twilight. These behemoths of ice blend seamlessly into their snowy surroundings, making them nearly invisible to the unsuspecting eye.

Frost Stalkers are apex predators, evolved to thrive in the harsh arctic conditions. With bodies encased in ice-like armor and eyes glowing with a predatory light, they prowl the snow-blanketed terrain in search of prey. Their presence adds a layer of peril to the already daunting environment, challenging the Aurorans' survival skills.

Local legends among the Aurorans speak of the Frost Stalkers with a mix of reverence and fear. They are seen not only as fierce predators but also as integral elements of the natural order of their world, embodying the raw, untamed power of their icy domain. The Aurorans have learned to coexist with these formidable beasts, respecting their territory while harnessing their understanding of these creatures to navigate the dangers of the Arctic nights.


Lore of the Celestial Blade