
Whispers of the Wind, Aerial Sanctum

"Whispers of the wind," that's how Zephyra is nicknamed, the planet in constant motion, primarily composed of micro floating islands that dance thanks to the updrafts produced by the winds generated by the rotation of the planet's internal core.

Originally, the planet presented itself as a large, compact rock. The downright mystical effect and the unnatural beauty of its current state are said to be due to the presence of the celestial amulet hidden by the Architects at the beginning of time.

The inhabitants of Zephyra are known for their ability to control the wind, enabling them to move from one island to another and cultivate fields. Their culture is deeply connected to nature and spirituality; many of their traditions involve rituals of gratitude to the surrounding nature and winds.

Despite the planet's beauty, life on Zephyra has not always been easy. Due to constant storms and unstable air currents, the inhabitants had to develop specific techniques and tools to cope with daily challenges. Yet, thanks to their resilience and inner strength, the people of Zephyra have created a peaceful and harmonious society, where respect for nature and others is at the core of everything.

From the XdRiPian Chronicles

No locations on Zephyra have been discovered yet