

At Tales of XdRiPia, we value the discerning eyes of both readers and watchers. As creators of an animated series, we slyly embed Easter eggs and pay homage to our inspirations, inviting our audience to spot the subtle nods that bridge the realms of animation and narrative storytelling from the great movies, animated series, or games that shaped the last 50 years of our existence.
— "Flo" - XdRiP Team Member

✧ To keep this section current, we strive to regularly update with each new relevant artifact encountered in Tales Of XdRiPia. Check periodically to discover any newly unveiled mysteries ✧

The Enchanting

World of XDripia

Welcome to the enthralling realm of XdRiPia, a world where magic and adventure beckon at every twist and turn. Immerse yourself in a captivating tale of courage, camaraderie, and the relentless pursuit to reclaim the essence of the Universe.

Stroll through the pages to discover more about the enchanting world of XdRiPia. In this profound odyssey, we unveil the mysteries of celestial amulets—otherworldly artifacts that shape the destiny of events. Join us as we deeply explore enigmatic realms, delving into the histories and powers within each sacred artifact.

Beyond the myriad of other artifacts that will grace our path, our celestial journey commences with Gaia’s Embrace, concealed in the depths of Scorion-7. From there, cast your eyes upon the ethereal Frostbound Crystal, resting beneath the aquatic surface of Aqualithos. Traverse the fiery landscapes of Ignaros to encounter the Inferno Emberstone, and let the ever-breezy Zephyra unveil the Zephyr Whirlstone. Ferrumis houses the Celestial Forgelock—a testament to the indomitable power of metal.

Yet, the apex of our quest remains shrouded - the Luminara Aegis, the Supreme Celestial Amulet. Only a select few have dared to seek its secrets, and we invite you to join our cosmic exploration as we unravel the mysteries of this unparalleled artifact, section by section.

Step into the cosmic tapestry of XdRiPia, where each page unfurls a new chapter, and every artifact whispers a tale of cosmic significance. Embark on this celestial journey with us, and may the magic of XdRiPia be your guiding light through the uncharted realms of imagination and wonder.

Brad, Jim, Matt, Amos & Flo



